Speaking in San Francisco on Saturday morning

I hope that you are not tired of these announcements.  I am speaking, in addition to Friday night in Santa Rosa, on Saturday morning in San Francisco.  Here is the information:


ORGANIZE! The Art and Science of Organizing


Keynote Speaker: Bill Fletcher, Jr.

Saturday, May 4th, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Pierre Coste Room,

Statler Wing, Ocean Campus, City College of San Francisco

Hosted by Labor and Community Studies


            Join us for an exciting conference on organizing for labor and community power in the 21st Century. Bill Fletcher, Jr. will describe recent successful organizing efforts and frame the debate for the rest of the day. Union, workers’ center, community and school based organizers will talk about the challenges they face and the victories they’ve won. We’ll share best practices and discuss ways we can support each other in our work.

We will ask: Why do we organize? How do we develop strategic plans? How do we link workplace, community and electoral campaigns? How do we connect internal and external organizing?  How does member organizing fit into a comprehensive campaign? How should we use the social media? Join our veteran organizer-presenters as we turn out the answers to these key questions.

For more information, contact Bill Shields at wshields@ccsf.edu or 415-550-4473.
